Tuesday, February 16, 2010

almost as fun as cleaning toilets

We spent Valentine's Day and President's weekend furniture shopping. Romantic, we know. And a whole lot of fun with the three kids in tow. But we finally agreed on some things for the family room and now are deciding on the rug.

Yup, I think shopping for rugs/carpets is just about as fun as cleaning toilets.

In both instances I am happy when the task is finished, very satisfied with the end result. But the process, might as well be going in for root canal.

I loved the thought of the entire living level of this house having wood floors (kitchen laminate). But having to 'dress' these floors is hard!

Not much selection between oriental looking and super contemporary. We are middle of the road, without going plain jane.

Turns out trying to coordinate the rug with the pieces we bought, while also staying in budget and LIKING the rug is one hard task.

Still, it is very fun making this house our home.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Here we are. 7 days ago we moved into the house. Not one of those days have the kids and I left the house.
Yes, we love it THAT much.

In reality, we can't leave. The snow is THAT bad. Woke up to blizzard conditions today which was quite frightening to see on top of the 3 feet we got last weekend. The house is rattling the wind gusts are so intense. This weather will give us a good idea of how well this house is built, especially when the show starts to melt. At least the basement isn't finished yet, so if water does run in, it won't be too much of an issue.

We can no longer see the fence surrounding our backyard. And the snow piles from the plows are as high as the street signs. We don't really need to open the blinds on the kids' bedrooms either. The snow on the porch roof is piled so high the windows are half covered.

Avery has no school until Tuesday. Thankfully we have learned there are no 'snow days' here. The 'commonwealth' of VA mandates 155 days of school to call it a school year. So our county builds a 180 day school year and if there is inclement weather, it is just a day off. So no Saturday school days here, or going to school through July.

We celebrated Avery's 6th birthday on Monday. In order to make her cake, we had to borrow eggs from our neighbor, the grocery stores were closed, too much snow on the rooves. She really wants to celebrate at Chuckie Cheese, so once we are snow free we'll face the chaos.

We still have power, and we have almost completely unpacked. Have almost lost our sanity as well:)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

welcome to the neighborhood

30+ hours of continuous snow. Thankfully we finished the move yesterday.

We are finding our neighborhood to be just as welcoming as NC.
Last night our neighbor brought dinner over. Today the men all came out to help one another shovel/snow blow the walks and driveways.
I told Stephen it is like one big 'man room' outside today. Lots of toys (snow blowers, atv's) and lots of beer kept cold in the mounds of snow.

Enjoying our new front porch

Shoveling our front walk. When I first jumped off the porch I was waist deep in the white stuff.

Our kitchen door. I think the snow on the grill will exceed Stephen's height by the time the snow finally stops.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A day in the life

Can't get a good enough view of the snow? Just use your little toes, stick them into the hotel air/heat vents and pull yourself up onto the window ledge. There, that's better. Now enough noise to get mommy's attention to give her a heart attack.

Moving is hard work. Throw in a very active 18 month old and it should be considered an Olympic sport.

We pack bags only to have them unpacked when we turn our backs.

We open the door for people coming to clean carpets, better watch who sneaks out between our legs!

As we pay the people servicing our home before we move in, the diaper bag gets emptied of all contents. And not just emptied, but hand lotions squeezed, snacks crunched to pieces under toes, wipes opened and pulled apart.

Then the running away as we announce that we are ready to go. This is especially fun when it involves Charlie or Avery holding the 'open door' button on the hotel elevator while Jackson runs at lightening speed down the hall.
And why don't we just hold him? Because he squirms and goes straight as a board so we have no option but to put him down.

We put on socks and shoes only to find the right foot always naked after riding in the car for a short period of time, thus having to stand in 10 degree weather to get the sock and shoe back on the foot.
The hat being pulled off every few minutes. I did mention it has been cold, right?

Most importantly, leaving items too close to the edge of the table. If there is something on the table Jackson wants, Jackson gets. At least if he needs a chair (to get something off of the middle of the table), I have time to catch him. But if something like carmel apple dipping sauce is left at the edge of the table, we're in for it. Today was some sticky fun for the little one.

He is fun, but he is exhausting! I think once the moving truck arrives on Wed. I am just going to let him help 'unpack.' It should keep him busy for at least 5 minutes:)