Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Curious Jackson

He is so cute, so helpful, but so curious. You know the saying "Curiosity killed the cat?" Well, his is killing me. Nothing in the house is safe, especially now that he has mastered door knobs and knows how to pull chairs to counter tops.
He has a couple of favorite drawers where he can always find trouble.
Our office desks. There are lots of fun colored push pins, paper clips and gadgets with buttons.
Kitchen junk drawer. Flashlights, gum, keys. Loves it all. This drawer doesn't close easily so I can always tell when he has been sneaking because the drawer is left open. I left him napping at the house yesterday while Charlie and I went to get Avery off the bus and came home to an open drawer, Jackson with four pieces of gum in his mouth.
Bathroom drawer. This drawer is so thin, there isn't much that fits in there. But dental floss, toothpaste, some lipgloss always entertain.

Momma! Look what I found!

Bubba (what he calls puppies), do you need to floss?

Being curious makes me tired.

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