Thursday, December 30, 2010

Guess he is growing

Jackson came down to breakfast sporting the peep-toe footies. Hand-me-downs only last through so many children.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

"AMAZING! Let's go see baby Jesus."

Charlie made an excellent shepherd (seen below to the left of the tree with the blue cloth on his head) and recited his line perfectly.

Wishing all of you a very merry CHRISTmas and a joyous celebration of Jesus' birth.

Merry Christmas

"AMAZING! Let's go see Baby Jesus."

Charlie made an excellent shepherd (seen below to the left of the tree with the blue cloth on his head) and recited his line perfectly.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Riding bikes with Daddy

This is one of the sweetest moments I have seen in my life.

Stephen could go out to pick up dog poop in the yard and Jackson would be happy to be by his side. He missed Stephen so much on this last business trip, he resorted to calling me "daddy" the entire week. Not accidentally, intentionally, as if I would magically change into daddy or it would bring him home sooner.

Out of all the kids, Jackson looks the most like Stephen. Now the two are sharing hobbies. They are inseperable and it just warms my heart.

Friday, December 17, 2010

first snow

Such a beautiful first snow. Super powdery, no wind, perfect for the kids to play in.

We had to go old-school with dressing for snow, I have not yet picked up snow boots for the older two.

So we crammed Avery and Charlie into 3T snowpants, couldn't put the suspenders over their shoulders, so they hung around their hips. I then put plastic bags over their socks so their feet wouldn't get wet in their sneakers. And the fleece gloves didn't stay dry long, but the kids didn't seem to care.

Jackson at least had hand-me-down boots from Charlie, but no snowpants. So I layerd pajama pants under two layer pants under a big pair of jeans.

They had so much fun diving and rolling around.
I am heading out to get boots, better gloves and possibly snowpants this weekend so we are not unprepared for the next storm. And we are in search of a hill close by so the kids can have fun sledding.

The boys trekking

Avery's snow angel

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

weather outside IS frightful

I had to pull an all-nighter tonight, this morning, however you want to classify that...

We had such a fun, busy weekend that I didn't sit down to do what I needed to do for work until late.

So here I am at 3am doing my thing, listening to the wind howl and rattle our house. It is snowing and beautiful, I am so very thankful for a warm house, and that I already went to the grocery store today instead of waiting until tomorrow, but now I should say I went Sunday instead of Monday, whatever.

Stephen leaves for Colorado tomorrow. I just checked the weather, colder and snowier here this week than there. He'll have a high of 62 one day this week, nice.

I told myself I would blog about living with a traveling husband once in awhile. So many people say "I don't know how you do it" so I feel like there needs some explanation on how 'one' or I do it. I once tried to find a book about life, marriage, family with a traveling husband and came up with zero. I have since been given one book which helped a little. Not discussion for tonight though, still wondering what yonker decided the week before Christmas would make for a good sales meeting. Ok, and a little bitter that while it is 17 here, it will be 62 there.

Mid December. Instead of Stephen's UPS deliveries piled high in our foyer, they are the kid's Christmas presents. Had a few fun Christmas parties to attend, decorated the house for our first Christmas here, baked a whole bunch of cookies, took Avery to see the Nutcracker. Definitely feeling the Christmas spirit this year.

Been kind of nice writing in the quiet that is my house for another 3 hours. I know I am going to feel pretty crappy come 2pm, but for now I am really enjoying my random thoughts without kids screaming in the background.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Avery's school invited everyone to enjoy a colonial breakfast the week before Thanksgiving.