Sunday, December 12, 2010

weather outside IS frightful

I had to pull an all-nighter tonight, this morning, however you want to classify that...

We had such a fun, busy weekend that I didn't sit down to do what I needed to do for work until late.

So here I am at 3am doing my thing, listening to the wind howl and rattle our house. It is snowing and beautiful, I am so very thankful for a warm house, and that I already went to the grocery store today instead of waiting until tomorrow, but now I should say I went Sunday instead of Monday, whatever.

Stephen leaves for Colorado tomorrow. I just checked the weather, colder and snowier here this week than there. He'll have a high of 62 one day this week, nice.

I told myself I would blog about living with a traveling husband once in awhile. So many people say "I don't know how you do it" so I feel like there needs some explanation on how 'one' or I do it. I once tried to find a book about life, marriage, family with a traveling husband and came up with zero. I have since been given one book which helped a little. Not discussion for tonight though, still wondering what yonker decided the week before Christmas would make for a good sales meeting. Ok, and a little bitter that while it is 17 here, it will be 62 there.

Mid December. Instead of Stephen's UPS deliveries piled high in our foyer, they are the kid's Christmas presents. Had a few fun Christmas parties to attend, decorated the house for our first Christmas here, baked a whole bunch of cookies, took Avery to see the Nutcracker. Definitely feeling the Christmas spirit this year.

Been kind of nice writing in the quiet that is my house for another 3 hours. I know I am going to feel pretty crappy come 2pm, but for now I am really enjoying my random thoughts without kids screaming in the background.


  1. This is such a beautiful post--it perfectly captures the sensation of feeling 'lonely' even though you're not 'alone.'

    I don't know of a book about having a traveling husband, although lots of my 'blog friends' are actually in that situation--or work largely from home, like I do. I guess, for all of the 'bad' things the Internet has given the world, it does provide some sense of 'connection' to people (or adults, for moms with kids) who don't always have it in their daily lives as much as they would like.

    On a more 'dorky runner' alert--does it drive you crazy when the weather is bad and it interferes with outdoor running? Every time I hear about snow in the forecast here, instead of saying, like a normal person: "oh that sucks to drive in" or "how pretty," I find myself wailing: "oh no, what about my running route!"

  2. Mary you must have read my mind! I have not run in at least a week and have been stuck doing workouts inside (not my thing, at all).
    Just this morning as I was driving around town I thought, "I could run in this." We got about 3-4 inches yesterday and today it is close to 40, so it is melting and messy, but good enough for a run:)
    Although I could easily do winter workouts and be happy too. But that involves snow shoes, or cross country skies or moutain resort close by, which I have none.

  3. The last time we had a 'big snow' I went to the running store to check out trail shoes and Yack Track 'grips'--it was so funny to see the store packed with fellow addicted runners, all desperately looking at them! Supposedly, the Yack Tracks don't work that well, so I didn't buy them--I know some people have real running snow shoes and they run miles in them! But even then, it's tough to find a nice place to run in the deep snow,
    without getting hit by car.

    40 with only a slushy few inches isn't that bad--I hope things melt just enough for you to run, even though your kids love to play in it!
