Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chicken Eggs

12 days ago Avery began her chicken egg hatching experiment. Arriving at our door in the hands of a very interested Fed Ex delivery person, 12 eggs arrived safe and ready for incubating. Unfortunately, the incubator only had room for 9 eggs. Gently marking each egg with an "x" on one side and an "o" on the other, Avery has been vigilant about flipping her eggs three times a day for best hatching results. She also keeps an eye on the temperature, keeping them nice and warm at 99.5 degrees. 9 days remain and we are all anxious to see some beaks breaking through the eggs.


  1. How cool Avery! Be sure to post some pictures when they hatch. :-)
    xoxo Aunt Tracy and the boys

  2. Sooooo what happened to eggs numbered 10-12?
