Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The child that will sleep anywhere

First child, I was the sleep nazi. That child slept in her crib for every nap and bedtime, not a chance of her being lulled to sleep in the moving car, stroller or rocking in someone's arms, she was to learn how to fall asleep without any aide.

Second child, still the sleep nazi. But probably because first child had places to go, things to do, he fell asleep in the car more than once. But I really focused on being home when it was naptime so he could teach himself to fall asleep as well.

That is what I learned from the books. And it worked. Much to the chagrin of my mother-in-law, the babies could cry in their cribs and eventually learn to soothe themselves and fall asleep.

Third child. His life has been in upheaval since the day he was born, well, even before then. When I arrived home from the hospital, the house had to be packed for our move. He didn't have a schedule, it was pretty much survival. Pack, eat, feed baby, put baby back down, sleep, repeat.
The books say not to start any type of sleep, eat schedule for at least four weeks after birth, so I was relieved I had time to let things slide. Little did I know that with the third child you let a lot of things slide.

Whether it is his personality, parenting the third child or a combination of both, this child has never had a sleep, eat schedule. It does not suit him and because life was so hectic, I couldn't obsess about not doing it "correctly." HA! As if there is a perfect way to parent any child.

This laid back child sleeps anywhere, eats foods the other two still do not eat, and is up for any adventure. It is terrific! But he does have sleep issues. I question whether his bad sleeping habits (up past bedtime most mights, up in middle of night some nights, up early some mornings) are due to his personality or my lack of teaching him a scheduled sleep pattern.

But who has time to care?

Instead I cherish that he wants me to lay down with him so he can fall asleep easier, that he falls asleep in my arms out in public, or that we find him on the steps, couch, floor happily sound asleep.

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