Thursday, April 29, 2010

less dependent

I'm on a mission and I'm taking the whole family with me.

Trying to become less dependent, more self sufficient, trying to leave less of a footprint.

So, we've picked back up with the cloth diapers. When Charlie was potty training, the cloth seemed to help him know when he was wet, so now Jackson is the victim. He hates them, exactly the intention.

We go through so much bread in this house, we finally bought a bread machine. There is nothing like fresh bread and knowing the ingredients that made it. Dinner rolls, cinnamon buns, pizza dough, love this machine.

Avery and I planted flower and vegetable seeds awhile back. Everything is sprouting but still in their little biodegradable seed cups. We are still too close to frost at night to plant them. But I hope our Mother's Day weekend is nice enough to build our small garden walls and finally put the cucumbers and watermelon in the ground. Hoping to add tomatoes, peppers and maybe a pumpkin.

We also have a local farm that allows people to buy shares. Kind of a farming co-op. Since we don't have a huge yard, I will happily let someone else garden and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

I am making curtains for Charlie's room using the navy blue curtains that have been passed between three families now (thanks Tracy and Jenny!). I have cream curtains from our old house, which of course fit no window in this house, so he is getting some awesome nautical navy/cream striped window treatments.

Stephen has decided he is riding his bike to any account he has during bike to work week. Nice that we live close enough to a train for him to use as well.

We are also hoping to get our act together to make a rain barrel. The previous owners had one, so we have the perfect spot for it.

It is fun doing our daily routine, trying to think of ways to do things with less waste, or with our own hands. The kids are picking up on it and always have good ideas to throw in.

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