Wednesday, October 20, 2010

fluff because I am exhausted

Got a couple of heavy topics on my mind the last few days but I am not quite ready to put them into words (and *possibly* be judged). They are important topics to our family, things I believe belong here so someday the kids can read and see what their parents stood for and believed in.

But I am exhausted. Trying to juggle everything is tiring. I am still week to week on my articles, so every week I scramble to pull something together. It ALWAYS comes together, but sometimes that means Monday morning with a Monday afternoon deadline. Can make for an interesting weekend. I love my job though. I meet the nicest, most creative people and I love having something to call my own.

The half marathon in Richmond is 3 weeks away! It has been a wonderful outlet and stress reliever, but trying to get 'in' all my training miles has proven tricky. My goal is to run all 13 miles. No time in mind, but hoping to build from here for future 1/2's.

Hopefully Stephen's schedule will slow down in late November, so we are gearing up for some home projects. Still kind of living like we just moved in. Local paint store is having a sale this month, so we picked colors and are ready to go once we have a little time. Living room, Charlie's room and kid's bath are on the list. And we are going to jump on painting the laundry room before the new tile is installed in two weeks.

Stephen's job is a little high stress right now, Charlie seems to be crying at school when he is frustrated (his parents are doing the same at soccer when he insists on pouting on the sidelines), all this and just plain ole regular life is wearing me thin and keeping me from posting anything too serious (or even posting at all these last few months).

Charlie took this photo of Lucas. It makes me smile.


  1. Hang in there Susan!
    Love the picture of Lucas too!
    Don't worry too much about Charlie on the soccer sidelines - Evan lies to the coach so they won't play him! I guess these two cousins just don't have a thing for soccer.
    :-) Ah Parenthood!
    xoxo Tracy

  2. Oh do I hear you girl...

    Seriously, I could have said the same things. I'm getting really tired of juggling "it all" and think I'm going to have to do some serious prioritizing.
