Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Memorable weekend

Visiting with family we haven't seen in quite some time and in that visiting, meeting a new member of the family and celebrating her first year of life with delicious cupcakes.

Sitting around a fire with good friends watching the kids (big and little) make smores.

30 mile bike ride with Stephen. We haven't been out riding together in a long time and I haven't done 30 miles in at least 7 years.

Playing yellow car.

Hearing Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer" sung at deafening levels by every attendee at the wedding.

Bagels and Taylor Pork Roll.

Watching one of my dearest friends marry the man of her dreams.

Spotting three rainbows on the drive home from New Jersey. As Lauren said, sign of a great weekend!


  1. 3 Rainbows??? What does it mean?

  2. If you don't understand my previous comment watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQSNhk5ICTI

  3. That You Tube is HILARIOUS! He was all out sobbing over his sightings!

  4. Oh double rainbow - what does it mean?!
