Wednesday, February 9, 2011

His first boards

Stephen and I were a little disappointed when soccer didn't work for Charlie. Two agonizing seasons and we knew it just wasn't his "thing". After Christmas break, we decided to sign Charlie up for the Tae Kwon Do trial class at the studio here in town. We told him he had to try it three times and then we would make a decision on whether he would continue.

Very excited to wear his uniform and belt, he entered the class a little apprehensive, but within seconds he was laughing, smiling and enjoying the class. A little over eager to understand everything and be the best, he walked away from every class asking how many more he had to attend.

By the third class something clicked. And he has never looked back. Two big differences between this and soccer, he attends twice a week instead of one and he gets individual attention. He asks us every single day if he has TKD. He practices his kicks and punches around the house. He cleans up his room and is being more respectful to us as well as his siblings. Charlie has found his "thing".

Last night he broke boards for the first time. I asked him if he was scared before he did it and he told me no. Atta boy! Master Jo also told us that Charlie is ready to test for his next belt, next Tuesday.

It is so nice to see him excited about this, his confidence and self esteem is flourishing. Such a different boy than 6 months ago!


  1. Great job Charlie!
    Love, Aunt Tracy, Evan, Gabriel, Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Cooooooool. Charlie the little ninja with crazy mad karate skilz. Please excuse the spelling...I live in Philly.
