Thursday, June 23, 2011

New landscaping

We had some new landscaping put in and I wrote my weekly article about the project. Now we are busy trying to keep everything alive as temperatures rise. Exciting times at the Keller household! (Article starts on page 5)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wish you were here

To hear our daily dueling piano concerts! They are quite entertaining!

Why do we have two pianos?

The one on the right is a friend's piano. They do not have room in their current home for the piano, so we said we would take care of it for them. The husband is a painter and painted a lot of the interior of our home. When he came to give me a quote for the living room, I called it the piano room. Steve laughed and questioned why I called it the piano room since we didn't own a piano. I have visions of it becoming a room to enjoy reading a book or listening to one of the kids play piano. He offered the piano to us, on a loan until they had a place for it.

Then last week Charlie's preschool director heard another mom and I discussing piano teachers. She came up to me during the conversation and asked if we needed a piano. They are in the process of moving and since their kids are grown and don't play anymore, they were willing to part with their piece. I jumped at the chance knowing Steve and family will want their piano back someday soon. Piano on left.

So our front room now has two pianos and we have stocked up on a lot of Advil for head relief!

Since we moved into this house I have been on the lookout for a piano. I was hopeful a local church would part with one and our only "cost" would be picking it up and getting it to our house. Well God provided above and beyond, the family even delivered the piano on Saturday!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spring recital

Avery had so much fun dancing in her recital on Sunday. They danced to a Beauty and the Beast song with Miss Sophia as their student mentor. Miss Cherie has been a wonderful teacher and will be missed as Avery moves up to a higher level of ballet next year.

The class

Silly face photo

Finished and enjoying the beautiful flowers Daddy and the boys picked for her.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Life lessons on the farm

Unfortunately Avery learned a life lesson this week about life on a farm, the food chain.

Our peeps, Max, Flap, Izzy and Jake were eaten by a fox the night we brought them over to the farm.

I stopped by the farm yesterday to pick up our crop share (thankfully by myself) and took a look in the pen where Farmer Chris had put the chicks. When I didn't see them there, I assumed he moved them over to the pens where we dropped Joe off weeks earlier. Nope, not there either.

Then I saw Chris and asked him about the chicks and he sadly shook his head. Not only were our four chicks taken, but six other little ones as well.

My heart sank thinking about Avery. At her dance recital dress rehearsal she asked me if I saw the chicks at the farm. I told her "no" but knew I needed to tell her about the incident.

After dinner Stephen and I told her and while she got upset, she took it rather well.

At bedtime prayers she thanked God for the time we had with the chicks and that we were able to see them hatch. Love that girl.