Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Life lessons on the farm

Unfortunately Avery learned a life lesson this week about life on a farm, the food chain.

Our peeps, Max, Flap, Izzy and Jake were eaten by a fox the night we brought them over to the farm.

I stopped by the farm yesterday to pick up our crop share (thankfully by myself) and took a look in the pen where Farmer Chris had put the chicks. When I didn't see them there, I assumed he moved them over to the pens where we dropped Joe off weeks earlier. Nope, not there either.

Then I saw Chris and asked him about the chicks and he sadly shook his head. Not only were our four chicks taken, but six other little ones as well.

My heart sank thinking about Avery. At her dance recital dress rehearsal she asked me if I saw the chicks at the farm. I told her "no" but knew I needed to tell her about the incident.

After dinner Stephen and I told her and while she got upset, she took it rather well.

At bedtime prayers she thanked God for the time we had with the chicks and that we were able to see them hatch. Love that girl.

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