Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wet bed

C-note is our best sleeper. Can take a nap and still go to bed on time even at age 6. He can sleep through anything too, vacuuming, dogs barking, phone ringing, he loves his sleep.
This is a good thing, a great thing, except when he asks me why he still wets his bed.

Recently I had j-man and C-note change bunks. Changing wet sheets on the top bunk should be an Olympic sport, I am breathless and sweaty by the time I wrestle clean sheets up there. Even wearing a nighttime diaper, he had wet the bed several nights in a row and I told him he had to sleep on the bottom until he could make it through the night dry for an extended period of time.

This morning he came downstairs and said, "mom, I just don't get how Jackson keeps his diaper dry at night and I can't."

We've tried all the tricks, no drinking past dinner (impossible for our sweatiest, thirstiest child), waking him up before we go to bed to get him to potty, he is just a deep sleeper with a bladder that doesn't speak loud enough to his brain.

I know he'll outgrow this phase and I tried to convince him of that, but I could feel his disappointment. As if we needed yet another thing around here in which the boys are competing.

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