Friday, April 20, 2012

Big week for C-Note

C-Note is now a red belt, two belts away from earning his black. He did a great job breaking his boards sparring and showing his forms. He is so focused! He is really looking forward to his tournament in May.

He also lost his first tooth! Eating dinner, he asked me why there was red on his quesadilla. Excited, I jumped up and told him it was his tooth coming out. I then grabbed his very wiggly tooth and pulled it before he could say no. For two nights he waited for the tooth fairy. And for two nights, the tooth fairy was a no show. Quite the slacker. Last night he finally left the lid off of the glass gift box, which is the tooth box in our house, and she deposited $5 in return for the tooth. More than she gave for oldest's first tooth, but oldest also was visited the first night.

Oldest told C-Note that the fairy probably came the two nights before but due to the fairy's tiny nature, she couldn't lift the lid. It is hard to tell if Avery believes or not, so it is always cute to hear her take on the situation. I was just so relieved she had an explanation.


  1. Wow--so close to his black belt and only one baby tooth 'down for the count.' The missing tooth makes him look very fierce!

    I love how creative kids are in the way they understand the rationality of fantasy worlds and people. Avery sounds like quite the budding writer and reader!
