Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Even being conservative

and making the kids wear pants at least two if not three times before throwing them in the laundry basket

we have accumulated so much dirty laundry. Ten days ago the previous owners of the home came and removed their washer and dryer. I painted the laundry room and finished the first coat of paint in the bathroom to cover the builder white.

Two days later the laundry room and bath across the hall were tiled. Told to wait until this past Monday to make sure the tile and grout were fully set, we made an appointment with Sears to install our washer and dryer we have carted around with us since leaving Holly Springs. They have not been used in close to two years...

Installers arrive and tell us they can't install due to the drain pipe (for overflow) not extending far enough beyond the floor. He tells me the tile needs to be pulled up...the tile that was just put down.

So today I finally talk with the guy who installed our tile (who has built three homes) and he tells me there is no need to pull up the tile, a plumber will be able to extend the pipe easily.

Not only did the plumber extend the pipe, he was able to flip the washer with the dryer so loading wet clothes into the dryer will be easier.

Needless to say, we are VERY ready to have the install tomorrow. Ten days of laundry, including very stinky running clothes is enough.

This may be a "to be continued" if two years of storage has not been kind to our appliances!

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