Friday, November 12, 2010

Here we go

Leaving shortly for our trip down to Richmond. After 10 loads of laundry, the house is feeling back to normal and cleaner. And my running clothes no longer stand on their own.

Everyone keeps asking me if I am nervous about running a half marathon. Truth be told, I am not. Being my first long race, I have no expectations. I have a timeframe in my head based on my long training runs as well as a friend's time from a half marathon she ran last week, but I am not going to panic if I see I am slow.

My goal for this first race is to run the whole 13.1 miles. I feel prepared. Last week I ran 11 miles by myself and while it was hard, it was great. I was slow, slower than I think I should be, but I decided to throw in some hills towards the end and also didn't have to keep tempo with anyone. I know during the race I'll find people to run along side who will keep my pace where it should be.

I have come to love running. I NEVER thought I would say that. I feel like I can get away from life for a bit. I enjoy the time outdoors as well as the company of fellow runners. I have loved the training for this race, especially increasing mileage. I couldn't run more than 2 miles last spring without feeling really winded. But running with friends and using the training schedule from has allowed me to increase slowly to the point where I am very comfortable running 6 miles. I especially love the peace I feel after a run. My mind is clear, my attitude adjusted, those endorphines sure do a body wonder.

I have a lot of good music to play during my run, many of the songs remind me of people in my life who love and support me, of great times we have had together. Not to mention they are just good ole funky beats.

I am excited to accomplish a new goal, another perk to this whole new world of running. Mentally and physically challanging, feeling on top of the world when I cross the finish line.

I took the photo from this site, thought it had a pretty interesting article with it.


  1. Wishing you lots of luck this weekend Susan!
    Tony, Tracy, Evan and Gabriel

  2. I just read on Facebook that you accomplished your goal! I'm so happy for you! I remember what a talented swimmer you were in high school and it's nice to see that you're still 'out there' challenging yourself athletically!
