Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another blessing

Our family has pretty much funded new wings of libraries with our overdue fines. One fine we had in NC was $60+. Our biggie was in Baltimore, we owed the Towson library over $100 when we forgot a bag of books while we were in the midst of moving.

I don't pride myself on this, in fact I get embarrassed when things are late. My skin crawls and my heart beats faster when someone or something is not on time (although Jen and Stephen have taught me to chill quite a bit over the years:)).

Our new county (get this!!!) doesn't believe in fines for overdue library books!!!
I almost cried tears of joy when the librarian told me this.

1 comment:

  1. hi :) Linda from the HL. I guess I don't feel so bad about the $6.85 fine I paid on Monday. We call it a "donation" since our library nearly closed down due to lost funding and is still open limited hours. No fines is awesome!
