Monday, March 1, 2010

proud mommy moments

For 6+ months I anticipated 'normal' life. Well, we have arrived (more or less) and it feels wonderful, BUT for some reason it is not as calm as I had imagined.

Stephen's travel has picked up considerably, Avery's school 'work' is fun, but a bit time consuming, Jackson is Jackson (this morning he decided to show me he can reach the drawer of knives!) and we are in the midst of signing up for some spring activities which have already started.

And we are still settling in trying to get all the fun (meant with every bit of sarcasm) stuff accomplished, DMV, health insurance, minor house repairs that MUST get done, and all the scheduling that is involved with those.

Just some snapshots of our week:
Jackson loves sitting on the potty. Even if his pants are still on. He did use the potty correctly 1x, but nothing mastered yet.

I went upstairs to straighten the kids' rooms and found this drawing. My jaw dropped when I realized it was Avery's work, a still life of her octopus.

And Charlie is sleeping diaper free. We aren't wet free yet, but at least he is trying.

1 comment:

  1. Avery is truly talented, wow! And congrats on one kid out of diapers.
