Monday, January 9, 2012

my 'baby' wins

When I came downstairs from pulling clothes out of the dryer, J-Man had the Candyland board set up and ready to play. I thought that was pretty great. Then he proceeded to beat me at the game three times in a row. I thought that was pretty great as well. We had cool little conversations while playing, I realized he knew his colors, numbers and exactly how to play the game. I also realized he is not a baby but a very cool little man.

On a side note, I despise Candyland. It can take forever to end that game. Just when you get close to that last blue square, the gingerbread man pops up and back to the beginning you go. But after watching him have so much fun and practicing his preschool skills, I have a new found love for this game. I look forward to many more chances to lose against my favorite three year old.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! So cute--enjoy it while it lasts until he starts trying to beat you at video games! As a side note, most parents I know use Candyland as an excuse to eat candy with their kids while playing it, to make the game more bearable...
