Friday, January 13, 2012

Nursing a newborn

As I tried to keep from falling asleep numerous times today, I realized that training for a marathon is much like nursing a newborn.
I remember the advice before I had my first child, "get as much sleep as you can now."

So I knew I was in for sleep deprivation, but I had no idea how much I would eat during the period of time I nursed my children. I was hungry all of the time and I ate mass amounts of food to keep from feeling like I was starving. Not to mention it felt good to finally have room to eat, once the baby had exited!

I also remember falling asleep anywhere, the moment I sat down. A full, deep, dreamless sleep that felt wonderful and too short.

Well, here we are again. But this time it is the number of miles I put in during the week that make me ravenous and able to fall asleep instantly. The same feeling of being overcome by hunger (MUST EAT NOW!) and sleep is a bit overwhelming and kind of keeps me in a fog, and a little cranky. I can't get enough of either which makes for an interesting day.

I wish I could say all this eating and sleeping is a growth spurt!

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading in a book called 'Ultra Marathon Man' about a famous distance runner--on some of his super-long training runs (30, 40 miles, just doing training) he would actually order pizza in the middle of his mileage to eat!
