Saturday, January 7, 2012

two days in a row!

I really like this "what I learned today" format. I find myself thinking on a deeper level a couple times a day which is a nice change from what's for dinner? is there still a load of wash in the washer? did I shower in the last 2 days? etc.

I am guessing a lot of what I post will not always be what I learned today, but maybe more of a what I have revisited, relearned today.

What I learned today?
Everyone has a story to tell. And those stories are powerful when we take the time to sit, listen, and sooner rather than later, befriend someone who needs to tell that story.

Just finished Same Kind of Different as Me. A great story to be told. So glad I didn't put it down when it didn't feel like it was going anywhere, because it went there. A book that will make me look differently at life, at people, at circumstances. I love a good book and this is one of them.

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